THE END. Owiaks end porn adventure

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Whether we want it or not, breakups have been, are and will forever be an integral part of human existence. In the vast majority of cases, unfortunately, they are associated with negative emotions – sadness, emptiness, disappointment or suffering. It is different, however, when we say goodbye to something that has recently been part of […]

Love is freedom, and freedom is the greatest test of love

Love is freedom

I would like to present to you a vision of absolute or perfect love, if you prefer. For over 5 years I have been an empathic observer of interpersonal relationships and myself, while searching for my answer to the question what is love? We live in times when our entire worldview is permeated with social […]

Our way to become independent

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A few days before the global lock down. We had a very prosperous advertising agency, and a plan to open a new branch in Spain. We went to Amsterdam with friends, returned to a rented apartment in Valencia and… COVID-19… Economic reality turns out to be a science fiction film, everything that was stable and […]